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Medical aroma specialist Katsumi Nabayashi

Representative director of the Japan Aroma Knee Care Association®.

Chief lecturer of the Japan Aroma Coordinator Association.

Director of the Japan Breast Association. Graduated from the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tokyo University of Science.

Acupuncture, massage and shiatsu therapist. Lecturer in public lectures at Tokyo University of Science.

Instructor of clinical course at Tokyo Medical College.

Established the Japan Aroma Coordinator Association in 1996.

Since then, he has lectured at many schools,

He has also appeared in many media including TV and magazines.

As a therapist, he provides aroma therapy and guidance to heal physical problems. With massage, which is a manual therapy, we have established a method to improve joint problems, mainly in the knees. In addition, we use French-style aromatherapy to improve gastrointestinal disorders caused by Helicobacter pylori, and improve the physical condition of people whose blood tests show lipid abnormalities or liver function abnormalities. giving advice.


​GOKURAKU CARE OIL Liver care oil
​- About liver care oil -

GPT is purely a measure of liver function, but none of the dogs we worked with had values within the normal range... did. Meanwhile, Dr. Nabayashi received a consultation from an acquaintance whose liver function values were unsatisfactory, and after taking a uniquely formulated essential oil (herbal extract), the values he was concerned about went down within a few weeks. I was shown data that showed that it was within a safe range. After that, I asked Mr. Nabayashi for a meeting and we were able to commercialize the idea.


All raw materials are of natural origin, and we are grateful to be able to share our philosophy and ideas. As you know, liver function is very important not only for humans but also for dogs. If you are concerned about your dog's liver function values, please give it a try.


good for liver

Mix herbal extract

Verbenone activates liver cells!
The liver is an organ of detoxification. Therefore, waste products tend to accumulate and cleaning is necessary. 1.8 Cineole and monoterpene hydrocarbons drain the liver. This allows liver cells to return to their original function.
If bile does not flow freely, the liver becomes congested. Esters, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, and aldehydes are useful for this purpose.
Menthol and methyl cavicol have a synergistic effect, promoting peristalsis of the bile ducts and allowing bile to be smoothly discharged into the duodenum.

With liver care oil

What can be prevented

To keep your dog looking youthful! The liver makes antioxidants!
脂質異常にならないために! コレステロールは食事からは2割、 肝臓での再合成で8割が作られます。 血中のコレステロールを 上げないためにも肝臓は大事です。
悪性腫瘍を作らないために! 抗腫瘍作用が知られている リモネンは健康な体作りの味方です。
病気の環境を作らない! 体の老廃物をドレナージュする モノテルペン炭化水素や オキサイドを豊富に含みます。

Liver numerical test results

Test results of toy poodle Leo (9 years old)

With the cooperation of Leo-kun and his owner, we have been caring for him for about 5 months.The above is the result of ingesting liver care oil.

Owner's comment
I was worried that Leo, who is sensitive to smells, would eat the oil, but since each serving was a small amount, he ate it without any problems. I was worried about whether I would see results because I eat unevenly, but I'm really surprised at how much improvement it has made!
The liver is said to be a silent organ, so even if some abnormality occurs, it often does not show any symptoms. This is our first attempt to support liver function using a blend of naturally derived essential oils (herbal extracts), but we will continue to support each part of the body.

Salary amount per day

Depending on your health condition and weight, please give it to your meals or snacks. Please give the following salary amount as a guide.
*Please take in 2 to 3 doses.
肝ケアオイル モニター
​肝ケアオイル モニターお申込み


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